Parallel Sessions 5

Parallel Sessions 5

14:00 - 14:30
14:00 - 14:30
Room 6307: Monolingual Dictionaries
“East Aisan words in the Oxford English Dictionary”
Danica Salazar (Online)
Chair: Minoru Moriguchi
Room 6308: Learner’s Dictionaries
“Pragmatic information in Chinese leaner dictionary apps: A case study of JUZI”
Anmin Wang
Chair: Kilim Nam
Room 6318: Digital Lexicography
“EnoLEX: A diachronic lexial database for the Enggano language”
Gede primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, Daniel Krauße and Cokorda Pramartha
Chair: Kohei Takebayashi
Room 6319: Lexicon and Lexicography
“Dynamic evolution: Exploring semantic shifts in Filipino language through online journalism”
Florinda Amparo Palma Gil and Ria Rafael
Chair: Ai Inoue