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Editors talk: Teaching the use of English-Japanese dictionaries in this digital age

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Editors talk: Teaching the use of English-Japanese dictionaries in this digital age

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time icon 09:00 - 12:00

location: 6317

Editors talk: Teaching the use of English-Japanese dictionaries in this digital age


Part 1 (Japanese session)
Chair: Shigeru Yamada (Waseda University)

◆ 9:00-9:40 Kaoru Akasu (Toyo University; Editor of Lighthouse English-Japanese Dictionary, 7th ed., 2023, Kenkyusha)
「英和辞典を使う際に求められるもの」(What you need to know when using English-Japanese dictionaries)

◆ 9:45-10:25 Nagayuki Inoue (Hiroshima University; Editor of Wisdom English-Japanese Dictionary, 4th ed., 2019, Sanseido)
「学習辞典で基本語を引く」(Looking up common words in learners’ dictionaries)

◆ 10:25-10:35 Break

Part 2 (English session)
Chair: Shigeru Yamada (Waseda University)

◆ 10:35-11:15 Hirosada Iwasaki (Tsukuba University; Editor of Favorite English-Japanese Dictionary, 4th ed., 2021, Tokyo Shoseki)
“Countermeasures to the problems among learners who do not use dictionaries: Dictionary search instruction and AI utilization”

◆ 11:20-12:00 Yukio Tono  (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies; Editor of Ace Crown English-Japanese Dictionary, 3rd ed., 2019, Sanseido)
“The relationship between dictionary reference skills and English proficiency levels from CEFR perspectives”