Parallel Sessions 2

Parallel Sessions 2

15:30 - 16:00
15:30 - 16:00
Room 6308: Monolingual DIctionaries
“Reframing headwords in a monolingual dictionary”
Kahar Dwi Prihantono
Chair: Amy Chi
Room 6318: Learner’s Dictionaries
“How to balance the lack of a representative corpus for a Georgian-English learner’s dictionary project”
Salome Tchighladze and Tinatin Margalitadze (Online)
Chair: Shigeru Yamada
Room 6319: Digital Lexicography
“Towards a comprehensive method for evaluating and utilizing AI-generated bilingual lexicographic data in language learning using the example of Chinese as a foreign language”
Christian Rink, Christine Ganselmayer and Stephanie Evert
Chair: Makoto Sumiyoshi
Room 6320: Lexicon and Lexicography
“What is the difference between an expert’s language and a user’s language? ーFocusing on the Korean sentiment expressions about K-popー”
Yelin Go, Jinsan An and Kilim Nam
Chair: Yongwei Gao