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Parallel Sessions 2

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Parallel Sessions 2

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time icon 15:30 - 16:00

Parallel sessions

Room AAA: Bilingual/Multilingual Dictionaries

“Evaluations on popular free online and electronic bilingual dictionaries: The case of speakers of Bahasa Indonesia”


Room BBB: Monolingual DIctionaries

“Redefining headwords in a monolingual dictionary”

Kahar Prihantono

Room CCC: Learner’s Dictionaries

“The potential of the Chinese-English dictionary (unabridged) as a decoding dictionary for CFL learners”

Jun Ding

Room DDD: Digital Lexicography

“Towards a comprehensive method for evaluating and utilizing AI-generated bilingual lexicographic data in language learning using the example of Chinese as a foreign language”

Christian Rink, Christine Ganselmayer and Stephanie Evert

Room EEE: Lexicon and Lexicography

“Slang, subtitles, and society: The case for an online historical dictionary”

Michael Manahan