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Parallel Sessions 2

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Parallel Sessions 2

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time icon 11:00 - 11:30

Parallel sessions

Room AAA: Monolingual Dictionaries

“Are dictionaries including more information? A cultural and prototypical analysis”

Ai Zhong

Room BBB: Learner’s Dictionaries

“Descriptions of pragmatic phrases in a pragmatics-oriented EFL dictionary”

Tatsuya Isono, Akihiko Kawamura, Scott Gardner and Yasutake Ishii

Room CCC: Digital Lexicography

“Empowering bilingual lexicography with AI: The AMTA framework’s role in dictionary design”

Waleed Mandour

Room DDD: Lexicon and Lexicography

“THE NEW ‘GREEN’ LEXICON: A lexicographic and lexicological perspective”

Daniele Franceschi