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Parallel Sessions 3

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Parallel Sessions 3

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time icon 16:00 - 16:30

Parallel sessions

Room AAA: Bilingual/Multilingual Dictionaries

“Chinese characters and images: Cultural representationa in the first Chinese-French dictionary of the 19th century”

Chaojun Tang

Room BBB: Monolingual Dictionaries

“Japanese dictionaries and multiple surface forms: Issues and solutions”

James Breen

Room CCC: Learner’s Dictionaries

“The treatment of culturebound items in Hispania Diccionario tailandés-español (2000): Problems and proposed solutions”

Boonnada Rattana

Room DDD: Digital Lexicography

“Online fieldwork for dialect speech community in mobility: Focusing on dictionary compilation of ‘Yanbian Malmoi'””

Xian Piao, Eunha Hwang and Jingri Cul

Room EEE: Lexicon and Lexicography

“What is the difference between an expert’s language and a user’s language? —Focusing on the Korean sentiment expressions about K-pop—”

Jinsan An, Yelin Go and KIlim Nam