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Parallel Sessions 3

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Parallel Sessions 3

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time icon 11:30 - 12:00

Parallel sessions

Room AAA: Monolingual Dictionaries

“Trends of headwords in pre-modern Japanese dictionaries: Correspondence relationship between native Japanese words and SIno-Japanese words”

Hrauna Ono

Room BBB: Learner’s Dictionaries

“Beyond word meaning: Using KBBI online as a tool for teaching and learning Bahasa Indonesia”

Francisco Jr. Rosario

Room CCC: Digital Lexicography

“Semi-Automatic Extraction of Georgian Scientific Terminology”

Nata Chkhaidze

Room DDD: Lexicon and Lexicology

“The Information Trade-off Between Grammar and Lexicon: A Case Study of the Heterosemy Representation of STONE in Contemporary English”

Qin Luo and Wang Renqiang