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Parallel Sessions 4

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Parallel Sessions 4

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time icon 17:00 - 17:30

Parallel sessions

Room AAA: Bilingual/Multilingual Dictionaries

“New reflections and perspectives on contemporary metalexicography: A contrastive study”

Lian Chen

Room BBB: Monolingual Dictionaries

“Dictionaries as objectives of official development assistance: Some observations”

Mats-Peter Sundstrom

Room CCC: Learner’s Dictionaries

“How to balance the lack of a representative corpus for a Georgian-English learner’s dictionary project”

Salome Tchighladze and Tinatin Margalitadze

Room DDD: Digital Lexicography

“Digitalization of dictionaries: From serachable databases to dictionary empowered services”

Jianmiao Fan

Room EEE: Lexicon and Lexicography

“A transdisciplinary study of the word class labelling of ‘dìzhèn‘ in Chinese/Chinese-English dictionaries”

Renqiang Wang