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Parallel Sessions 5

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Parallel Sessions 5

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time icon 17:30 - 18:00

Parallel sessions

Room AAA: Bilingual/Multilingual Dictionaries

“A corpus-based historical analysis of English bilingual dictionaries in the Meiji and Taisho periods: Examining illustrative examples and Western lexicographic influence”

Yukio Tono and Naho Kawamoto

Room CCC: Learner’s Dictionaries

“A report on a dictionary project entitled ‘Dictionary literacy training for EFL teachers'”

Man Lai Amy Chi

Room DDD: Digital Lexicography

“Digital lexicography and natural language processing of PUs in the DiCoP project: Exploration and innovation in phraseomatics”

Lian Chen, Wenjun Sun and Flora Badin

Room EEE: Lexicon and Lexicography

“Exploring hierarchical lexical networks in L2 vocabulary: A study on semantic correspondence between A-level and B/C level vocabulary items”

Kohei Takebayashi