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Parallel Sessions 6

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Parallel Sessions 6

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time icon 14:30 - 15:00

Parallel sessions

Room AAA: Monolingual Dictionaries

“The typology of meaning of Minangkabau loanword in Indonesian comprehensive dictionary”

Azhari Dasman Darnis and Umi Kulsum

Room BBB: Learner’s Dictionaries

“Challenges in pedagogical lexicography for the unwritten mother tongues: A study in India”

Rajiv Ranjan Mahto and Dr. S. M. Fayez

Room CCC: Digital Lexicography

“Kasada culture-based living dictionary: Challenges in applying lexicography with a cutting-edge approach in developing countries”

Adista Nur Primantari and Puspa Ruriana

Room DDD: Lexicon and Lexicography

“Dynamic evolution: Exploring semantic shifts in Filipino language through online journalism”

Florinda Amparo Palma Gil and Ria Rafael