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Social Programs

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Social Programs

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Social Program

Coach Excursion

  • Destination

    Tokyo Sky Tree, Asakusa, Imperial Palace

  • Time

    around 3:30 p.m. to around 6:00 p.m.
    (The time is subject to change. Dinner is not served.)

  • Meeting Place

  • Tour Details

    Toyo University ~ TOKYO SKYTREE (https://www.tokyo-skytree.jp/en/, we take the escalator to the top of TOKYO SKYTREE, the tallest telegraph tower in Japan.) ~ Asakusa ~ Imperial Palace (Please note that we enjoy the view of the Imperial Palace from the bus.) ~ Tokyo Station (dismiss there)

  • Fees

    US$ 30/ ¥4000

  • Deadline for payment

    July 15th

  • Notes

    This tour is voluntary.

To participate in the excursion, please fill in the Google form (https://forms.gle/H7JnEzLtnTeSEdaFA) and submit it by July 15th.
The participation fee must be paid by July 15th through Wise or bank transfer (please see below.). Paying together with the conference registration fee makes it easier to pay.
Also, once you have completed the Google form, it will send you an email with the details of your application. Asialex will not send you an email confirming your application.

1. International payments

Payment via Wise is more economical than payment by bank transfer. Wise accepts most currencies worldwide. It is easy to create your account for free.
Wise(https://wise.com/home/): asialex2024@gmail.com (name: AsiaLex2024)
Bank Name: Mizuho Bank Ltd.

Branch Name: Waseda
Branch Number: 068
Branch Address: 11-1 Babashitacho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 162-0045
Account Number: 068–2253452

Account Name: Ajia Jisyogakkai(Asian Association for Lexicography)
Recipient Address: 5-28-20 Hakusan, Bukyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 112-8606
Recipient Phone number: +810339454746

2. Domestic payments

みずほ銀行 早稲田支店(店番号068)  アジア辞書学会 普通口座 2253452